The smartest bollard test

BollardScan. Better safe than sorry!

The state of the mooring bollards is often unknown. The bollards are expected to withstand larger forces, but the construction and the anchoring are often worn out and no longer has the capacity to meet with increased forces. A conservative estimate is that eighty percent of all bollards are over 60 years of age.

The smartest bollard test​

BollardScan delivers a highly reliable, scientifically underpinned way of testing marine bollards in a non-destructive way. The BollardScanTM is a unique method to establish the reliability of the bollard and its foundation. And whether it still meets the design requi- rements of the structure. The methodology is based on the transmission of vibration and sound through the structure allowing us to pinpoint any errors.

What does BollardScan offer:

Smart, simple, safe!

When scanning a bollard we mount a number of sensors on the surface of the structure above the ground and the immediate area around the anchor. A vibration is initiated by tapping on the bollard in various directions. The returned vibrations will be recorded and analysed by a sophisticated computer program and so form the basis for clear and concise reporting including a risk analysis.

BollardScan is a must for every responsible port and asset manager aiming to reduce health and safety risks. Amongst our clients are the ports of Amsterdam, Antwerp, Cartagena, Doha, Dubai, Dublin, Las Palmas, Liverpool, Melbourne, New York, Rotterdam, Sydney and Tanger.

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